Sunday, October 9, 2016

Coming Back Home, After Hurricane Matthew

Saturday night, we returned home to N.E. Florida.

Praise GOD, everything was just as we left it. There were a few signs that were lop-sided and a few stoplights that were out; but when that's all the damage, then we were really protected!

We returned to see a neighbor sweeping the debris away in the parking lot. We filled each other in on the past couple of days: she here at home and I away from home.

She said when the hurricane passed by, there was a ton of rain and even more wind. They lost power for a day and a half, and it came back around noon on Saturday. That was basically as serious as it got.
The neighbors got together during the day on Saturday to remove the larger branches and clear up the parking lots and entrance so all the cars can have easy access.

Shew, it already feels like nothing happened at all--but there are others that weren't as fortunate. I'm glad this hurricane is over and gone, but there's work to do in the affected areas.

Now I can say, I really did evacuate from a hurricane. The End.

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