Thursday, June 7, 2018

"Warnings" Playlist on YouTube

Any of us living in the world today, no matter the background, can probably agree on the fact that this world is getting scarier, nastier, and more uncertain than it was when we were younger. I'm currently 31, so I can really see the difference from my childhood in the 1990s til now.
If you are like me, your eyes are only now being opened to how this world really is, who/what is running it, and how it can only get worse and worse--and that very soon. I personally don't believe I'll live to see retirement. Maybe the world will end sooner. As a Christian, I say, "the sooner, the better."

I've been watching several YouTube videos on several different topics. I've compiled some videos I think are worthy of sharing onto a playlist that entitles the purpose as to its creation in the first place: "Warnings," to warn as many as possible.

Look around you. Really take the time and look all around you. Find a Bible, whether an old-fashioned one or online (like Bible Gateway where you can check out the Bible in multiple languages and versions). Once you have, find the book of Matthew (1st in the New Testament/2nd half of the Bible) and read chapter 24. As you're reading, try to compare it to the world today. I dare you to tell me there's nothing in common between the two.
Don't stop with Matthew 24. Find the Second letter to Timothy (2 Timothy, closer to the end, but not quite there) and read the 3rd chapter (especially from verses 1-5). Are you going to tell me this is not happening now? Sure, this was happening even before the time this letter was written, but has it really gotten any better since then, over 2 millennia ago?

Maybe a few details are a tad far-fetched, but you cannot deny that something is very wrong.

Times are getting worse, but if you believe in Christ Jesus and have a personal relationship with HIM, none of this should really scare you. If anything, all these things mean that HE is coming back--and really soon! This nasty, dark, dangerous, cancerous world will end. All those in Christ will receive eternal life--and the way it was supposed to be. No sickness, no disease, no death, no suffering, no crying, no pain, no curse, no demons, no lies, no depression, no terror/terrorists, no anxiety, no cancer, no discrimination, no neglect, no guns, no school shootings, no hit-and-runs, no poverty, no famine, no wars, no greed, no envy, no travel bans, no bullyings, no injustice, no rapes, no tortures, no incest, no molestations, no mental illnesses, no deformities, no insufficiencies, no addictions, no manipulations, no human trafficking, no sex slaves, no slavery, no epidemics, no natural disasters, no threats, no corruption, no concentration camps, no brain-washing, no perilous experiments, no harmful radiations, no poison, no genocides, no other crimes against humanity, no comas, no loss of limbs or abilities, no Alzheimer, no dementia, no road rage, no abuse, no evil, no fear--no sin.

Instead, replace all that with the attributes of GOD's character, namely: peace, kindness, patience, selflessness, respect, meekness, thoughtfulness, safety, justice, perfect health, perfect senses, perfect capabilities, freedom, excitement, adventure, understanding, perfect knowledge, consideration, sincerity, good intentions, belonging, home, holiness/purity, completeness--love. All of this because Christ Jesus is there, because we can finally see GOD the Father face-to-face, because nothing will ever distract us from the Holy Spirit. 
Each day that passes is a day closer to that long-awaited time. As things get worse, that will make Jesus' return that much better and infinitely more welcome when HE does return to take us home--our ultimate, final, complete, never-ever-ever-to-leave-or-be-taken-away-from home.

Jesus HIMSELF said: "Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust GOD, trust Me too. There are many rooms/mansions in My FATHER's House. I would not tell you this if it were not true. I go to prepare a place for you (there). After I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me so that you may be where I am." (John 14: 1-3, emphasis added).

Jesus has also said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The only way to the FATHER (GOD/Heaven) is through ME." (John 14:6, emphasis added).

Here's a screenshot of the playlist:
... and here's the link.

Before you watch anything, and as you're watching them, remember these verses:

"For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten Son, that whoever believes in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16, emphasis added)

"... As I live, says the LORD GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! Why do you want to die...?" (Ezekiel 33:11, paraphrased)

I know I'm repeating this, but Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The only way to the FATHER (GOD/Heaven) is through ME." (John 14:6, emphasis added).

"I heard a loud voice from Heaven saying, 'Behold, GOD's home is with people, and HE will live with them. They will be HIS people. GOD HIMSELF will be with them and be their GOD. And GOD will wipe away all the tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, or sorrow, or crying, and there will most definitely not be any more pain. The old world and everything about it are gone forever. HE that sat upon the throne (Jesus) said, 'Behold, I make everything new!'..." (Revelation 21: 3-5, paraphrased)

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Canceled Plans (Lunar New Year 2018)

Happy Lunar New Year 2018!
This year's lunar new year holidays are 15. - 17. February. I also got all of next week off! Maybe it surprises you that I'm doing something I usually wouldn't--spend the entire time at home.
What? I have about 10 days off, and I'm not traveling? Why? What could possibly be wrong?
A sprained ankle.

I sprained my right ankle as I was walking to school on the morning of Tuesday, February 6th. I was just walking when my ankle kind of gave out from under me: my right foot went sideways, and I landed hard on my left knee. I was about 1 block from the school, so I continued until I made it to my classroom (on the 2nd floor).

My co-teacher sent me to the nurse, who in turn sent me to the hospital. Fortunately, it was nearby.
I went, had my ankle checked, had "physical therapy," and had my right leg on a splint and wrapped in a bandage. To walk around, the nurses gave me a kind of blue "sandal" the splint could fit in. The doctor said I was to stay in that for 2 weeks.
What? Two weeks? I was supposed to be in Brunei, about to move on to Singapore by then!

For a while week, I went to and from school by taxi.

Sheesh, if I could barely walk, there's no way I can travel. So reluctantly, but decidedly, I canceled everything. I could've visited all the small countries of Asia I wanted to visit before this contract year was up. Welp, it was not meant to be this time.
At least I can get my Korea blog up to date.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Earthquake in Korea--Again

This past Sunday (11. Feb. '18), I experienced my 2nd earthquake in my life--and 2nd in Korea.

I was sleeping in my apartment on my bed, with my sprained ankle on an extra pillow. Then I felt it.
It wasn't much, but it was too strong for any vehicle that usually passes that way.
I grabbed my phone to see what time it was: 5:04.
As I set it down, I started to wonder if I should go outside. I have a sprained ankle (that was getting better, but was still weak). Could I escape quickly enough?
I looked at my phone again and saw an "extreme alert" message-- entirely in Korean.
I could read it and understand maybe half of it. I definitely understood there was indeed an earthquake. The epicenter was near Pohang (just like last time), and it registered as 4.6 on the Moment Magnitude Scale. It occurred at 5:03 in Pohang.

This is becoming interesting.

I'll leave the definition of "interesting" up to you.