Friday, February 3, 2017

Have you ever thought of taking the CELTA course yourself?

Why not--in Krakow, Poland?

I did it, and I'm so very glad I did for several reasons:

1. I learned a lot.
2. I met great people I still keep in touch with.
3. Krakow is BEAUTIFUL and budget-friendly.
4. My job possibilities have expanded, and my career is growing.

Granted, this list is just a short summary. If you want a better idea of how this course went for me, check out my CELTA Diary. It's not the most interesting read, I admit; but it covered exactly what I went through in the course.

Demanding? Yes.
Intense? Sure.
Worth it? Definitely.

Tell Barbara, Declan, and Magda I say "Hi!"

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Afternoon by St. John river in Switzerland, Florida

That's right. There's a small community south of Jacksonville (perhaps more of a suburb) called "Switzerland." I found it when I was driving around/exploring one day. There's a park beside the St. John River. I've wanted to explore this place for a while. Finally, I don't remember when, I took my step-mother along and explored this park. We liked it and brought my father along when he was back home. It is quite small, but interesting and lovely nonetheless. Let me show you the pictures I took there.

My father's hand giving scale to this fungi's size.

The river and the sky were breathtaking. 
These pictures don't do it justice.

I've never seen this before: accessible transfer system for the handicapped to enjoy kayaking/canoeing. Brilliant!